

The 2024 Low-Carbon Metallurgy and Advanced Metal Materials Technology Conference of Great Bay Area co-hosted by GDUT successfully Held

From August 8th to 10th, the 2024  Low Carbon Metallurgy and Advanced Metal Materials Technology Conference of Great Bay Area co-sponsored by the China Metal Society and GDUT was held in Guangzhou, with the theme of "Low Carbon Metallurgy, Green Steel" . Representatives from various fields attended the conference, including academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, representatives from China Iron and Steel Industry Association, China Metallurgical Society, China Iron and Steel Industry Association, Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, etc., and discussed cutting-edge issues in the steel field, advanced production technologies in different directions to promote the green transformation and high-quality development of the steel industry and advanced metal materials. 


Qiu Xueqing said in his speech that GDUT is among the high-level universities in Guangdong Province. With the strong support of the provincial government, GDUT is implementing the "1 +2 +3" climbing and supporting plan of discipline upgrading project in depth and achieving rapid development. Facing the national green and low-carbon strategic development needs and major opportunities for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Great Bay Area construction, we have adhered to the "dual carbon" work as the traction, leveraged our advantageous discipline foundation, and strengthened deep integration with industries in recent years., he stated. In August 2023, based on the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Low Carbon Metallurgical Engineering Innovation, GDUT worked with Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to establish the "Joint R&D Center for Low Carbon Metallurgical Technology and Advanced Metal Materials", adhering to the concepts of openness, cooperation, and innovation, focusing on forward-looking technological innovation, engineering problem research, production process optimization, and high-end talent cultivation. We are committed to developing green and low-carbon technologies and supporting the transformation and upgrading of the metallurgical industry.