

President Qiu Xueqing Attended the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Engineering Education Committee of the China Association for Higher Education, and GDUT selected as the "Pioneer Case of China's Engineering Education Reform"


    From July 18th to 20th, the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Engineering Education Committee of the China Association for Higher Education and the Meeting of Outstanding Engineering Talents Cultivation in Local Universities were held in Lanzhou. President Qiu Xueqing delivered a keynote speech. The "Pioneer Cases of China's Engineering Education Reform in 2024" was released at the meeting, and the modern industrial college cluster reform practice of GDUT-"Contributing to the development of Great Bay Area, Industry-Education Integration and Cross-border Collaborationto Lead the Cultivation of Outstanding Engineering Talents" was selected as the model (only 2 in China).

     In the speech of "Cultivating Outstanding Engineering Talents with Integration of Industry and Education for contributing to the development of Great Bay Area", Qiu Xueqing introduced the undergraduate course and characteristics of GDUT, and pointed out that the cultivation of high-quality engineering and technical talents with the background of the new era is a powerful combination of building a strong country in education, science and technology, and talents, and it is also a systematic project. This urgently requires clarifying the matching problem of supply and demand of engineering and technical talents as soon as possible, exploring the coupling point between the supply side and the demand side, and solving the binary deviation phenomenon of supply not being what is needed, so as to achieve the meeting point of supply and demand sides. As a local engineering university, GDUT breaks the boundaries between regions and schools, closely follows the economic development needs of the Great Bay Area, and diverts industrial resources forward to schools. Relying on the integration bases and platforms of production and education such as modern industrial colleges, we will take the integration of industry and education as the starting point to promote interdisciplinary, personality cultivation, innovation and entrepreneurship, and collaboration in Great Bay Area, and actively promote the supply-side structural reform of training outstanding engineering talents.he adds. Finally, he pointed out that GDUT will continue to follow the path of upholding integrity and innovation, making efforts on promoting the strengths of the integration of industry and education, upholding the integrity of engineering talent training, making up for the shortcomings of innovation and development, creating new engineering talent training, and unswervingly pursuing the path of independent training of outstanding engineering talents.