

President Qiu Xueqing Went to Jieyang Campus to Survey and Guide the Work


On May 30, Qiu Xueqing, the president of GDUT, went to Jieyang Campus to investigate and guide the work, and held meetings on the construction of study spirit, and talks with faculty and student representatives, and coordinated on the construction of Rongjiang Laboratory. He also resided over a meeting between the scientific research team of the School of Light Chemicals and Rongjiang Laboratory.


For the work of study spirit improvement, Qiu Xueqing fully affirmed the good teaching style and study style of Jieyang Campus, and pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to "student-oriented, love students like children", and constantly improve their working skills on students affairs, enhance the quality of teaching, carry out in-depth practical education, system construction and experiential education, thus to enhance the effectiveness of education. Attention should be given to the management of the first classroom and measures taken to cultivate a good habit of study. It is necessary to create a second classroom atmosphere, continuously to improve students' physical and mental quality, and let students devote themselves to study and life with strong physique, full enthusiasm and high spirit. Ideological education should be combined with student work, and form a positive air of study. For the teaching work, the construction of the teaching team should be strengthened, and the effectiveness of moral cultivation should be weighed for professional title evaluation and job promotion. It is necessary to give full play to the role of teaching supervision, help teachers renew their educational concepts, and improve teaching skills and professional levels. For student work, efforts should be made to consolidate and strengthen the construction of the air of study in Jieyang Campus, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of student cadres, and improve students' self-education, self-management, and self-service capabilities.

At the Rongjiang Laboratory Construction Coordination Meeting, Qiu Xueqing pointed out that the Rongjiang Laboratory is a major task entrusted to GDUT, and it is an opportunity to promote the high-quality development of Jieyang Campus. As for the overall requirements of aligning with "strategic urgent need, domestic first-class, cross-integration, distinctive features, and supporting industries", Rongjiang Laboratory should be aiming for the high to support the strategic needs of the country and the region, and integrate with local needs to serve local industries upgrade.