

Hu Qintai Went to the School of Computer Science to Survey and Guide the Development of Artificial Intelligence


On May 21, Hu Qintai, Secretary of the Party Committee of GDUT, went to the School of Computer Science to survey and guide the work.


Hu Qintai visited the Data Mining and Information Retrieval Laboratory, Data Science and High Performance Computing Laboratory of the School of Computer Science, and listened to the report on the construction of the laboratory by the person in charge of the laboratory.

Hu Qintai listened carefully to the dean's report on the discipline construction, scientific research innovation, personnel training and other work of the school in the past year, as well as the next step for the school's development. Participants focused on the research theme of "Artificial Intelligence Development Direction and Construction Path" and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges. Experts and professors analyzed and introduced the development trend of basic and applied research in the field of artificial intelligence, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the bottleneck problems, and future development directions of the school's current research in the field of artificial intelligence.

Hu Qintai emphasized that artificial intelligence is a strategic technology leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution, industrial and social transformation, and has a significant and far-reaching impact on the country's economic and social development and the construction of high-level innovative university. The school should seize strategic opportunities, improve the discipline layout in the field of artificial intelligence, strengthen the deep integration with local governments and enterprises, and deeply explore the multi-scenario application of "AI X" artificial intelligence represented by "AI education" and "AI industry", thus to serve Guangdong to develop new quality productivity and help the country improve the high-quality development level of modern industries.