


On May 8, the 2024 School Youth Talent Conference was held in the Arc Lecture Hall. More than 300 teachers and postdoctoral fellows of the "Youth Hundred Talents Program" participated in the meeting in the form of "online and offline". Zhu Weiwei, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee, attended and delivered a speech.


2024 is the 105th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. In celebration with the May 4th Youth Day, Zhu Weiwei made a report entitled "Gathering Youth Wisdom and Promoting High-quality Development". Zhu Weiwei first elaborated the spirit of May 4th Day, encouraged young talents to strive to be models in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to struggle. She introduced the development of GDUT from its history, the construction of disciplines and scientific research platforms, the cultivation of teaching staff, and scientific research achievements, and pointed out the important role played by young talents in these process. She pointed out that GDUT will build a career stage for talents from multiple aspects and support talents to give full play of their wisdom, so as to form a good talent development ecology in which everyone can become a talent and everyone can fully display their talents. At the same time, she emphasizes that young talents should strengthen the construction of morality and academic norms to effectively prevent the occurrence of academic misconduct. She encourages young talents to inspire youth with an attitude of struggle, live up to the times, live up to China, promote high-quality development step by step, and demonstrate the responsibility of GDUT.

In recent years, GDUT has continued to establish and improve the talent work system, coordinate and promote the strategy of strengthening talents, so that all kinds of young talents can employ their strengths. Next, GDUT will take greater efforts, more practical measures, and implement higher standards to strive to build a team of teachers with noble morality, excellent teaching, and academic excellence, to help Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area build a highland of high-level talents, and to build a strong socialist modernization in the new era.