

Hu Qintai Surveyed and Directed the Work of Schools


On March 25, Hu Qintai, Secretary of the CPC GDUT Committee, went to the School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering and the School of Foreign Languages to survey and guide the work. Chen Liangyou and Chen Zhuowu, deputy secretaries of the CPC GDUT committee, accompanied the survey.



Hu Qintai reviewed the reports of the two colleges on the work of the past year, key tasks and measures for this year, and development paths, fully affirmed the work achievements of the past year, and agreed with their plan.


Hu Qintai emphasized that in order to lead the high-quality development of the cause with high-quality party building, firstly, we must scientifically plan and implement precise policies, continue to promote the high-quality development of the college, strengthen education and teaching reform, optimize the layout of disciplines, build scientific research platforms, condense discipline characteristics. And it is needed to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, focus on cultivating high-quality talents with international vision and competitiveness, and strive to produce high-level scientific research results. Secondly, we must strengthen the self-construction of the leadership team, shoulder political responsibilities firmly, establish a highly conscious awareness of the overall situation, strengthen unity and cooperation, respect and cooperate with each other, and strive to form a good atmosphere of working together to do business, seeking development with one heart and one mind, and uniting as one to promote harmony. Thirdly, we should do a good job in the construction of the teaching staff, carefully analyze the structure of teachers, clarify the role orientation of teachers, deepen reform and innovation, improve the performance appraisal mechanism, stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of teachers and students, and provide a strong guarantee for the long-term development of the college.

After the discussion, Hu Qintai and heads of relevant departments went to the laboratory of the School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering and the office of the School's Global Governance and Regional National Research Institute for field research.