

Academician Ye Zhizhen of Zhejiang University Visited GDUT and Give an Academic Report


Recently, Professor Ye Zhizhen, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of Zhejiang University, came to the School of Materials and Energy to give guidance and was invited to give an academic report. Zhu Weiwei, deputy secretary of the CPC GDUT Committee, extended a warm welcome to him on behalf of GDUT.



Academician Ye Zhizhen gave an academic report entitled "Promoting Innovation of Materials Science and Technology and Developing New Productivity" for teachers and students of the School of Materials and Energy in the Arc Lecture Hall. In the report, Academician Ye introduced the important academic achievements of his team in the fields of semiconductor thin film technology and luminous display, and the outstanding achievements of leading Wenzhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University to achieve scientific and technological entrepreneurship, encouraging everyone to try and break through bravely and contribute to the scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship of new materials in China.



Academician Ye Zhizhen and his party also visited the exhibition hall of GDUT, the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Semiconductor Materials and Devices Laboratory of the Institute of Materials and Energy, highly affirmed the "1 +2 +3" climbing and supporting plan of GDUT and the training mode of innovative and entrepreneurial talents with the characteristics of GDUT, put forward guiding suggestions for the training and scientific research of related professionals, and expressed deep expectations for the future development of materials science.